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First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. I appreciated the energy and enthusiasm -- plus the good questions.
Above are the slides for the first part. For the second part, see the screencast "Creating a Library Database Page with Drupal".
I should have the audio file up in a few days. [Done 3/4/08]
NOTE: the 'full-screen' version at SlideShare actually looks pretty good. Have a look...
For the person who was having trouble using the "Sandbox" at opensourcecms.com, try the demo at http://drupal.demo.civicrm.org/
If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.
Again, thanks both to MLS and to the people who came!
UPDATE: Nice news from Slideshare:
"Hey leoklein!
Your slideshow Drupal for Libraries has been included in the Spotlight section on SlideShare.
Enjoy your day! the SlideShare team"
Must be the picture of me hanging upside-down that did it.