Friday, February 29, 2008

Drupal for Libraries - Slides

[Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported]

First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. I appreciated the energy and enthusiasm -- plus the good questions.

Above are the slides for the first part. For the second part, see the screencast "Creating a Library Database Page with Drupal".

I should have the audio file up in a few days. [Done 3/4/08]

NOTE: the 'full-screen' version at SlideShare actually looks pretty good. Have a look...

For the person who was having trouble using the "Sandbox" at, try the demo at

If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.

Again, thanks both to MLS and to the people who came!

UPDATE: Nice news from Slideshare:

"Hey leoklein!

Your slideshow Drupal for Libraries has been included in the Spotlight section on SlideShare.

Enjoy your day! the SlideShare team"

Must be the picture of me hanging upside-down that did it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New York Times Does 'Live Blogging'


You know we've come a long way when the 'Grey Lady' herself starts doing 'live-blogging'.

Screencast: Creating a Library Database Page with Drupal

In anticipation of my talk 'Drupal in Libraries' that I'll be giving to the Metropolitan Library System on Fri., 2/29 (1:30p-4:30p), I'm releasing the screencast 'Creating a Library Database Page with Drupal'.

The talk will be about Drupal in the context of Open Source Software and Content Management Systems as well of course as its application in a library environment. (more info and rsvp...)

The screencast goes over the points I'll be making in the second part of my talk.

Have a look an tell me what you think.

-- Link to Smaller Version (400x300) here... --

UPDATE: The slides and audio from my presentation are now available. You can access them by going here...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Drupal 6.0 Now Available

 I just noticed over at the Drupal site that Drupal 6 has been released:

You can find a pretty good screencast on new features here...

It's interesting how a number of the new features are in fact integrations of ideas that originally were developed as separate modules (Updates, Blockcache, etc.)

The pattern seems to be: people contribute new ideas as modules and then the best ones are incorporated into Drupal itself. Good plan.

The performance improvements, column headings and drag-and-drop features also look interesting.

The Digital Life

  1.  Try to install Adobe Captivate on my new Mac Mini. (I've got an important 'sceencast' that's got to be done pronto.)
    But Captivate only runs on a PC.

  2. Load Captivate on my old Dell Notebook.
    But it's too much for my old Dell Notebook. The thing keeps crashing.

  3. Load Apple's Boot Camp on my new Mac Mini. With Boot Camp, you can run both Mac and Windows!
    But Boot Camp only runs with Windows XP Service Pack 2 ('SP2'). My copy of XP (from my old Dell Notebook) is older than that.

  4.  "Slipstream" (i.e. integrate) the updates from SP2 into the earlier version of XP and produce a new bootable CD.
    But 'Slipstream' doesn't work so well on OEM (as in Dell specific) versions of XP.

  5. Walk three miles to a friend's house. Grab his copy of Windows XP, go home. Install it on my Mac Mini and finally load Captivate on the PC partition.

    Does this sound like a productive weekend?
    (And I didn't even mention the part where I completely erased my backup drive. Don't ask.)

    UPDATE: The fun continues....

  6. Try to add an audio track to the slides in Captivate.
    But my new Mac Mini only has "line" input -- which as anyone who's ever been through Audio 101 knows, isn't the same as a mike input

  7. Rush out of the house. Go downtown to the Apple Store, buy a Griffin iMic, and just because I've become paranoid at this point, duck into a Best Buy on the way home and get a Logitech headset with build-in mike that plugs into the USB port.

  8. Mission accomplished!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Old News

So I just installed MS Office 2008. (It's nice -- nothing special that I've noticed so far.) Anyway, apparently there's some messaging system that comes with the package. Here's the reminder I got. (And yes, I have a legal copy of Office.)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Change of Hosts

Site5 logo

It took me the whole weekend so I'm not quite sure why I forgot to mention it but I've got a new Host!

Yes, that's right, my vast online empire is now in the hands of Since time-immemorial I've been with but they didn't seem to be upgrading their hardware or software, their performance was sluggish, and support wasn't as good as it used to be. So over the weekend I made the switch.

Chicago Winter Wonderland

This one won't go into the record books -- not even close -- but we did get a couple inches. Here's the charming view from the back of the courtyard house where I live.