Monday, August 22, 2016

First Seven Jobs

Okay, since everyone's doing it:

  1. Sales Assistant (Radio Shack, Chicago) - 16 yrs old.
  2. Print Shop / Mimeograph Machine (Small indy business selling mailing lists on magnetic tape*, Playboy Tower, Chicago) - High School.
  3. Customer Service, Credit Dept. (Carson, Pirie, Scott, Downtown Chicago) - College.
  4. English Teacher (Year Abroad Program, Paris) - Post-College.
  5. Manager, Hot Dog Stand (Fullerton Ave. Beach, Chicago).
  6. English Teacher (Rome, later West Berlin).
  7. Construction/Rehab Worker (West Berlin).

*Computer storage 70s style [source]:

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Current Cites for July 2016


 Current Cites for July 2016 is out! You can find the issue here...

This month I recommended an article describing an innovative 'beacon-based' navigation system which opened with this excellent piece of advice, " with other technologies before it, usefulness does not magically emerge from implementing new technology; rather, it is the culmination of a comprehensive plan for merging technical know-how with business knowledge or user-generated content."