Today was the first day of classes at UIC. It was a nice summer but I'm happy to see the students back.
They had people at all the entrances giving out information. You can just make out the "UIC Orientation" table in the distance.
They had people at all the entrances giving out information. You can just make out the "UIC Orientation" table in the distance.
Tracy Sutherland gave us a sneak peek of the new site, then under development, at the Drupal4Lib BoF at ALA Anaheim in June.
Now it's been launched for the whole world to see:
Nice job and Congrads to all!
We're doing a 'soft-launch' of -- the community website that I've been working on together with some very nice people from the Public Library Association as well as a number of volunteers.
It's open to the public but it won't be officially announced till sometime in September. Anyway, have a look:
Yay, the Parboiled Rice has come! For 10 years, I lived in New York City and for 10 years I ate Parboiled Rice from the Associated Supermarket either on 14th St. or 23rd St.
So what do I do when I start running out of the cherished grains? Why I send for 10 pounds more of course -- via Priority Mail.
Here's the latest shipment.
First people, please don't mention the Kindle and the future-of-print in the same breath. That would imply that one has something to do with the other and why do Amazon's marketing for them?
But ignoring that for a moment, I think the whole concept of a dedicated "ebook" reader is somewhat dodgy. I mean, if that's all they do, why bother?
You can't copy out bits and pieces of the text, import them into something you're working on, share them with friends, blog about them -- or do any of the million other things you're used to doing on electronic devices that are increasingly just as small and inexpensive.
In other words, an 'eBook' reader completely sucks as an 'eBook' reader because it treats what you're reading as a complete digital dead-end.
Workplace environment: I've been on the receiving end of this from my co-workers since yesterday. From the most recent edition of The Onion:
ROCHESTER, NY—Reported sightings of Rochester's legendary "phantom diner," a mysterious restaurant that purportedly appears only to those in the most inebriated state of their lives, are often met with skepticism and incredulity. But for Leo Kline, 24, who claims he visited the diner this past weekend, the apparitional eatery is all too real.
Like I wear green?
I wish I could say my lack of posting for the last week or so is because of me 'gone fishing'.
Instead, I'm working on a site for the Public Library Association that, happily, is close to completion.
The thing's looking good but it's taken all my free time away.