Saturday, August 29, 2015

Free Books: Tough Choice


At the Reference Desk: Free Books on the 'book truck' near the library entrance! It's either "WordPerfect: The Pocket Reference" (1987) or "Minute Manual for Apple Writer IIe" (1983). Tough choice.

I finally went with the "Minute Manual for Apple Writer IIe" -- I mean, how could I pass such pertinent pieces of information as:

How Much Can I Save on One Disk?

A normal Apple disk can hold a total of about 143k or 143,000 characters of information. The amount of usable space on a disk is equal to 128k to 136k or about 40 single spaced pages or 80 double spaces pages of text. When you run out of room on a disk and attempt to save a file, the computer simply beeps and displays the message, 'DOS :DISK FULL'. Put another disk in the drive and save the file again. (p.115)

Saturday, August 01, 2015

A Higher Authority

Personal Confession: Nowadays there's all this talk about 'STEM' in education. That's nice but frankly what got me going -- starting in high school -- was the notion of the 'Renaissance Man'. ‪#‎LongLiveTheHumanities‬