Saturday, July 04, 2009

Gov. Quinn at Evanston July 4th Parade

It was a bit rainy but that didn't dampen anyone's spirit at the Evanston 4th of July Parade. The first shot is just before the parade with Gov. Pat Quinn and DPOE President Daniel Biss getting their picture taken by Daniel's wife Karen. The second shot is a group shot taken afterwards.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Sun-Times on Solutions to Failing Schools

The Sun-Times gets school reform right in this editorial:
Suntimes Logo There are lots of ways to improve failing schools. Charters are one way, but so is investing in traditional schools by offering smaller class sizes, better teachers, financial incentives for teachers and a longer school year. There is no single solution. Pretending otherwise is just as harmful as pretending that scores have gone up miraculously when we know they have not.
[h/t CapitolFaxBlog]