Sunday, January 22, 2017

First Books of 2017

Actually I've had the 'Handbook of Usability Testing' for years -- the first edition, that is.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Friday, January 06, 2017

Behind the Scenes in WYSIWYG

 Looking at the 'plain text' behind the WYSIWYG. I'm impressed:

<hr />
<h3>Alumni Receptions 2017</h3>

Monday, January 02, 2017

Email Outside of Work? France Says 'Non Merci'

A couple of interesting articles on the law just passed in France regulating (remember that's not outlawing!) emails outside of work.

Deutsche Welle reports:

From today, organizations with more than 50 workers will need to start negotiations to define the rights of employees to ignore their smartphones and not be forced to check and send emails on weekends and in the evenings.

Engadget comments:

French companies will be more likely to respect your work/life balance -- even if they don't mark certain hours as off-limits, they can't make unexpected requests that force you to drop everything.