Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Interview with WGN-TV

Leo Klein at interview for WGN-TV

Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 2019 was an important day -- or rather important evening. It was when WGN-TV broadcast the interview with me [link here] produced by the excellent reporter, Erik Runge. The actual interview took place a few days earlier at the DePaul Library.

The topic was my experience in West Berlin both before and after the Wall came down. The segment also included other witnesses both here and in Berlin. The fact that the reporter included so many other photos of me -- from my days in Paris to a shot of me in lederhosen at 4 years old holding on to Mayor Daley -- made the whole thing seem so much like a personal biography.

That said, I truly appreciate how the reporter let me have the last word. For so long the east side of Berlin was a symbol of oppression while the west side observed tolerance and liberty. It truly was a triumph of democracy -- something I shall never forget.

Update: Erik Runge and the good people at WGN-TV aired a follow-up segment on Thursday evening. The title was, "Lessons from the Fall of the Berlin Wall Still Ring True, 30 Years Later" [link here]. As the title suggests, the piece looks at the lessons from this period together with what people born afterwards think about it. My own comment which they include was to agree that lessons were drawn but that people can forget them -- if only (one hopes) temporarily.

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Current Cites for Sept. 2019

CurrentCites Logo

 Current Cites for Sept. 2019 is out! You can find the issue here...

Usability studies on the effectiveness of library research guides are popping up all over the place. The one I recommended appeared in the latest issue of Information Technology and Libraries. Naturally in the meantime another example popped up -- this one in the latest issue of Journal of Web Librarianship. Hot topic!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

First Saturday of the New School Year 2019

1st Saturday of the school year with colleague Jim from the West Desk. Note: folder was carrying all the articles I've been going through for a research project.

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Thinking About Customer Service

Interesting discussion regarding 'customer service principles' on the ALA Members Listserv. A number of responses include policy guides -- one with the promising title 'Get to Yes'; there are also a few personal lists, as well as this funny video clip.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Current Cites for Aug. 2019

 Current Cites for Aug. 2019 is out! You can find the issue here...

Being the beginning of the academic year, I thought it'd be appropriate to write about an article on the future of academic libraries.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Do Not Climb on Brick Walls

Interesting sign on the entry to the Hobbies, Arts & Crafts Building on the fair grounds in Springfield.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Libraries' Guide to the 2020 Census

 Interesting announcement via the ALA Members listserv:

Today, the American Library Association released the Libraries' Guide to the 2020 Census, a new resource to prepare libraries for the decennial count of every person living in the United States.

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Remembering the Spectator - Issue no. 105 (6/30/1711)

Talking to a student last week, I tried to remember the quote (and the source of the quote): "I spell like a gentleman and not like a ..." Finally found it: [LINK].

P.S. Initial Google search (with auto-correct) came up with, "I smell like a gentleman..." Ah, no.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Class List from My 2nd Year in College

 Spring Quarter (from an old letter):

  1. Shakespeare
  2. Latin 102
  3. Populism & Progressivism in America
  4. French Literature 201

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

'Publish & Read' Contract

Courtesy of Gary Price's InfoDocket, we learn of the agreement between publisher Wiley Global and "all German publicly and privately funded academic institutions" -- for the purpose of delivering "the benefits of open access to authors" (faqs here). Good move.

Update: Interesting development: UC decides to tell publisher Elsevier where to go (link).

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

LibraryShelfieDay 2019

Plowing through the style guides in 'Ready Reference', making sure they're all there. #shelfie #LibraryShelfie #LibraryShelfieDay

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

From the Series, Why We Need Librarians...

 From the Series, Why We Need Librarians (IM edition) ...

Question: "Got the '3rd Symphony' by Copland? I had a look but couldn't find anything."

Answer: "Try 'third'..."