Mayor Daley speaking at UIC's Daley Urban Forum named after his father Richard J.
The Forum featured a number of Mayors from Arab countries. Many of them have troubles that are common to countries in the 3rd World (lack of funding, infrastructure, etc.)
Particularly moving however was the account by the Mayor of Mosul, Iraq.
He talked about the challenges the Municipal government faces there. These include setting up a "prostheses factory" to deal with all the people, including children, who've had limbs blown off due to bombs. The Mayor reported with pride that a number of Healthcare Centers had been set up despite the fact that many of Iraq's original medical workers had fled the country.
Even here, success was not complete however, since one or two of these Centers had subsequently been bombed.
Despite this hell, the Mayor was optimistic. He would have shown us pictures only they stopped him from bringing them at Baghdad Airport.