Saturday, March 27, 2010

Live-Blogging the Empty Library

10:30am: What do you do as a reference librarian when you're the only one who showed up for work (hello Circulation)?

11:00am: The person supposed to be at Circulation just called saying he was stuck at the Airport in Minneapolis.

11:26am: Problem: A student came by wanting to charge out a book. I explained we didn't have anyone with access to the system. He said he'd come back later in the day.

11:35am: A female student wants to make some copies. Problem is, the copy room is normally opened by whoever opens up at Circ -- and as the world now knows, that person is trapped at the Airport in Minneapolis.

11:42am: The security guy came over to open the copy room. He says he's going to Minneapolis next week. Is there a pattern emerging here?

11:46am: Yea, hallelujah! Jim the Circ. person just came in. He's the back-up guy at Circulation. We have lift-off.

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