Sunday, December 19, 2010

Top 10 Things You Probably Shouldn't Attempt to Do All at Once Especially at This Time of Year

  1. Move in the Winter.
  2. Move in the Winter -- with you doing much of the work yourself along with your trusty hand-truck.
  3. Redesign the website at work while everyone's off on vacation -- and you ought to be schlepping boxes.
  4. Embark on a 2nd ambitious web project before the first one is complete (see above).
  5. Install that brand new copy of Adobe's 'Master Collection' (CS5) even though you know you could probably do without it for the next week or two.
  6. Assess your hardware and software needs for the coming year and try to order everything before the end of this year.
  7. Warning! Warning! Your health insurance plan is no longer any good since (1) your primary care physician (PCP) is retiring and besides (2) the medical group he worked for (Rush Medical) is no longer available through your crummy plan (BCBS IL HMO). Either you pick a new plan before the deadline or you'll automatically be enrolled in...
  8. Is there a smart phone out there that's caught your eye? Well, if not, you'd better start looking since your 2 year contract with AT&T is about to end and if you don't get a new phone now, AT&T will make you wish you had.
  9. Here's an idea: Why not just sit on your butt and try to think of 10 things you should be doing? That way, you'll avoid doing anything at all!
  10. And finally, just say 'What the hell', throw a party and invite everyone you know.

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