Sunday, June 30, 2024

Parade-time in Chi-town!

Parade-time in Chi-town! Had a great time -- ran into a bunch of old friends! P.S. Happy to see they're generous with the signs, flags and other paraphernalia :-)

Leo holding up the JB handside, waiting for the parade to begin.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Old Hang-out in West Berlin Getting New Street-Name …

Going from well-known (and well-remembered) 'Manteuffel Strasse' to 'Audre-Lorde-Strasse' -- named after Audre Lorde (link)

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Goal of an Academic Research Librarian

Goal of an Academic Research Librarian: Teach the student how best to use the library's online research tools (article coming out) ...

My Interview on Dance Music by NPR

Wow, more than 20 yrs since this wonderful interview by NPR host Steve Inskeep on my thoughts (and experience) regarding dance music. Steve, Thank You! Thank You! [link]

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Chicago Blues Festival - Day 3

Chicago Blues Festival - Day 3. Hung out at the Pritzker Pavilion. Great music! Set ended with Buddy Guy.

Audience shot ... (Note, it was somewhat early; As time went on, seats filled up -- all of 'em.)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024